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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Girls Who Code Club Starting at MOESC

Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) is proud to announce that Girls Who Code will ​hold its first club meeting on January 30, 2020 4:00 p.m. at MOESC, ​890 West Fourth Street in Mansfield, Ohio​. ​Girls Who Code Clubs are free programs for 3-5th and 6-12th grade girls that allows girls to join a group of supportive peers and role models and use computer science to change the world.  
Candy Bores, Technology Manager at MOESC, said this year they will start with just Grades 3 thru 5. “Next year we hope to expand and add more age groups. Girls Who Code has opportunities for all ages, and we hope to include more grade levels at some point.”  

The 3rd-5th grade club curriculum is primarily focused on integrating fun, interactive activities with the Girls Who Code text and characters. Lessons will be taught using a fictional and non-fictional story line that is outlined by Girls Who Code. Lessons may be both plugged (online) and unplugged (no technology required). If the lesson requires technology, MOESC is providing the equipment free of cost.  

The curriculum focuses on three components. First, ​Sisterhood​: clubs provide girls with a safe and supportive learning environment. With the support of their peers and role models, girls learn to see themselves as computer scientists. Beyond their club experience, girls become a part of our growing alumni network. Second, ​Coding​: girls will learn the essential concepts of loops, variables, conditionals, and functions that form the basis for all programming languages —whether they want to build a website, an app, or a robot. Third, ​Bravery and Impact​: through fun and interactive curricula, club girls not only learn about how to positively impact their community through code, but they also are taught to be brave and resilient to help them persist in the field. 
The club will be led by teachers and volunteers, and the meetings will last between 45 minutes to over an hour. They will be held every other Thursday at 4 p.m. starting January 30th and going through to June 4th. There is no cost to be a part of the club. Parents interested in signing up their daughter need to go to ​hq.girlswhocode.com​. The MOESC club code is: OH21630.  
Bores said, “By the end of the program, the girls will have a fun experience that inspires them to be brave, creative, resilient, and curious about computer science. At the end of the day, we hope the girls come away excited to learn more. By providing an early educational intervention focused on community and impact, we believe girls will remain resilient through their middle school years.” 
Anyone with questions or looking for more information about the club can go to the website www.moesc.net and choose Girls Who Code from the quick bar. 

VIEW THE PDF for more information

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