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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Statement from Superintendent Kimmel Regarding MOESC Operations and Events

On Thursday, March 12, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine announced that all K-12 schools in Ohio will be closed for a period of three weeks, from March 17, 2020, through April 3, 2020. Based upon Governor DeWine’s comments, as well as current circumstances, Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center administration has instructed the following to our MOESC personnel and operations.

Mid-Ohio Conference Center

  • All MOESC student events have been either postponed or canceled starting Tuesday, March 17th through at least Friday, April 3, 2020. Specific information on several events will be given below.

  • Public access to the facility will be restricted during this period and any questions should be directed to Steve Earnest, Executive Director @ 419-774-2503.  

Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center Offices

  • MOESC offices will remain open and operations will continue with the exception of fingerprinting services which will be temporarily suspended starting Monday, March 16th through April 3rd or until further notice.

Academic Challenge Meets

All MOESC-sponsored March Academic Challenge Tournaments have been postponed with the hopes that the May tournaments can happen. The 4th and 5th grade AC tournaments have been tentatively rescheduled for the evenings of May 12 (4th grade) and 13 (5th grade).  In addition the high school AC tournament has been tentatively rescheduled for May 11. Clearly, this is still a fluid situation, so please await further announcements or plans regarding these May tournaments. 


The Artapolooza art festival which includes Cabaret Night has also been cancelled. Due to conference center scheduling and the inability to predict the future situation, MOESC is unable to reschedule this event for this year. There is the possibility of rescheduling the middle school student art workshop for a date in May.

Students who are submitting art portfolios for review for a gifted identification may still do so. Given the uncertainty of school schedules, etc., there is not yet a new submission date established. More information regarding the new submission date will be released when it is known.

I know that we have a dedicated staff working hard to continue to serve their students, and I am proud of what they are doing to minimize disruption, while maintaining physical safety. Since this is uncharted territory for all of us, we thank you in advance for your understanding and flexibility during this difficult time. Anyone can also follow the most up-to-date information regarding any of our student events by accessing our website (moesc.net) or finding us on Facebook.

Kindest Regards,

Kevin D. Kimmel

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