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Community Schools

Our Mission:  To establish strong public community schools by adhering to quality authorizing practices and oversight in accordance with the role of a sponsor, and to provide quality educational opportunities for students who may not otherwise participate successfully in a regular public-school setting.

Mid-Ohio ESC has a contract with the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce to sponsor three community schools:

Computer and Goal Digital Academy text
GOAL Digital Academy
890 West Fourth Street
Mansfield, OH 44906
The Tomorrow Center Logo
The Tomorrow Center
3700 County Road 168
Cardington, OH 43315
Findlay Digital Academy Logo

Findlay Digital Academy

1219 W. Main Cross
Suite 101
Findlay, OH 45840

As a sponsor, Mid-Ohio ESC was rated Effective by the Ohio Department of Education in the 2016-2017 school year and Exemplary in the 2017-2018 and the 2018-2019 school years.  Due to the Exemplary rating, Mid-Ohio ESC will not be evaluated again until at least the 2025-2026 school year.

The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce evaluates community school sponsors on three components:  Academic Performance, Compliance, and Quality Practices.  The Academic Performance component looks at several important measures of student success in sponsors' schools including academic achievement, student growth, graduation, and how well schools are improving and meeting the performance expectations for all students in English language arts, math, graduation, and English language proficiency.  The Compliance component asks whether sponsors are compliant with all relevant laws and rules and whether sponsors are monitoring their schools' compliance with laws and rules.  The Quality Practices component compares sponsors' processes against best practices such as strategic planning, staff capacity, contract development, and oversight of schools.   

Focused on its mission, Mid-Ohio ESC considers the "Exemplary" rating to be a distinction which complements its commitment to our schools.

We are currently not accepting applications regarding sponsorship of new schools or transfer of community schools.  Contact information has also been listed below should you have questions about receiving technical assistance and/or support services from Mid-Ohio ESC.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Dave Jones, Mid-Ohio ESC Director of Community Schools, 419-774-5520 ext. 2502 or email to:

Kevin Kimmel, Mid-Ohio ESC Superintendent, 419-774-2506 or email to: