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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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MOESC’s Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Tiers of Support Adaptations


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, and Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) is adapting to make sure that students continue to be served. This month, MOESC’s press releases will be focusing on showing the public what steps are being taken by each department or team. This sixth release will focus on the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Tiers of Support. 

Ohio enacted the Supporting Alternatives for Fair Education (SAFE) Act, House Bill 318, in 2018. This bill strengthens requirements for school districts to implement PBIS, social-emotional learning supports and trauma-informed practices. 

In order to support school districts in implementing effective PBIS framework processes, MOESC’s designed the PBIS Tiered Professional Learning model to provide training and coaching to districts. The PBIS professional learning model is structured into three tiers. Cathy Csanyi, PBIS Consultant, provides the professional learning throughout all tiers.


  • Csanyi had begun the PBIS second professional learning cohort with several districts when the governor ordered school closures due to COVID-19.  At that time, the consultant team worked to transitional all trainings to remote platforms in order for districts to complete the PBIS training series.  On April 3, 2020 all registered districts completed the PBIS series via an online format.

  • Csanyi will continue to provide external coaching support to district and/or building PBIS leaders or district PBIS internal coaches.  Coaching will be available via an online format to:

    • Assist the PBIS team in writing the PBIS School-Wide Scale-Up Action Plan, a requirement of the Ohio Department of Education;

    • Review data collection of behavioral incidences to interpret the data with the PBIS team and determine appropriate behavioral consequences and reteaching of expectations;

    • Train School-Wide Information System (SWIS), an in-depth data system, if requested; and

    • Assist district and/or building PBIS team members to train all staff in the PBIS framework.

  • PBIS 3-Day trainings are being scheduled for in-district requests throughout the summer and will be delivered in either an online or face-to-face format, depending on school closure timeline extensions. 

Student Services Director Jennifer Crum explained keeping the PBIS Tiers of Support even while school is on home-based learning is very important. “One of the key principles of PBIS is the focus on building pro-social skills, not simply the attempt to eliminate challenging or problem behavior.  As our teachers are transferring their effective practices to remote activities or online platforms, these principles are still at the forefront of effective lesson structure and development. Research has indicated that when PBIS is implemented effectively, student behaviors improve, classroom disruptions are reduced, and the school culture is positively impacted.” 

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