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Summer Manufacturing Institute Summer Camp to Take Place July 20-24

The North End Community Improvement Collaborative (NECIC) along with the Regional Manufacturing Coalition (RMC) and EPIK invite students in 5th through 8th grade to participate in the 3rd Annual Summer Manufacturing Institute Summer Camp a part of Senator Sherrod Brown’s call to engage Ohio’s youth with local manufacturing activities and opportunities in their home county. The virtual camp will take place July 20th through the 24th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every day with a lunch intermission.

Tyler Shinaberry of EPIK explained, “Too often we find that education and application struggle to find the connection to one another; but our SMI program is built around not only making the initial connection, but in guiding our participants to find their own connections throughout their day to day life.” 

The goals for the program are built upon a foundation of bridging gaps between each audience: 

  1. To offer youth a powerful insight to be a part of something bigger than themselves through local opportunities in manufacturing and education. 
  2. To offer parents confidence in their community’s offerings and potential to grant their child a great opportunity to find personal and financial success. 
  3. To give manufacturers hope through insight and connection to the diversity and creativity of the emerging workforce that will carry them into the future. 
  4. To best prepare educators on the diverse opportunities of manufacturing as an industry and how to align what is being taught to real world potential. 
  5. To align the community and its leaders to better understand manufacturing as an industry, heritage, and people who drive the region’s largest paying sector. 

Students will digitally tour local companies and complete hands-on projects. They will learn about STEM, safety, financial literacy, and amazing manufacturers as well as local secondary and post-secondary education opportunities and career pathway opportunities. Local businesses participating are PR Machine Works & Slick Automated Solutions, Milliron Industries, Mansfield Engineered Components, Midwest Aircraft Products Company, and Mechanics Bank.

In order to participate, students will need access to unlimited high speed Internet and a device throughout the week. They will be using Google Classrooms for their information and schedule, and Zoom will be used to conduct the meetings. Take home boxes will be handed out prior to the week of camp complete with everything for the daily projects. Parental guidance may be necessary and parents are encouraged to participate! 

During the week there will be opportunities for educators to participate in the event as volunteer moderators or to join as a viewer. Moderators/teachers wanting to chat with their groups can also use the breakout feature if such need arises. Administrators and other teachers are highly encouraged to join in for a 15 minute pop-in or whole sections. Anyone interested can contact tyler@epikltd.com for login codes.

This camp is open to Richland County resident students and is free to participants thanks to generous host and manufacturer contributions. However, spaces are limited! For signup or questions, please contact Nyasha Oden at nyasha@necic-ohio.org. 

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