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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Program Honors Area Scholars

Mansfield, OH (March 15, 2023) – Mansfield, OH (March 15, 2023) – Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) recognized 12 senior students from client school districts for their academic success and school and community service at the annual Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Award Dinner on March 14th.

Three students were awarded $500 scholarships each based on their school grades, test scores, activities, and an essay detailing one educator's positive impact on their lives. All students read their tributes aloud and introduced their “Positive Impact Person” to the audience, including family members and school administrators.

Winners of the $500 scholarships made possible by the Mid-Ohio ESC Board of Governors were awarded to Kylee Bilanci, Northmor Local Schools; Madeline Tack, Highland Local Schools; and Bree Fellows, Plymouth-Shiloh Local School District.

Kylee Bilancini acknowledged Ken Parrott as her Positive Impact Person and stated, “Without Mr. Parrott’s belief in me, I would never have been where I am today.”

Betsy Carpenter was Madeline Tack's Positive Impact Person. Madeline praises Betsy by mentioning, "I will always be grateful for the opportunity to learn from her and I am proud to have such a kind woman as a role model." 

Bree Fellows goes on to explain how much she looks up to Chuck Neal, her Positive Impact Person. "I would not be in the position I am today without Mr. Neal and I will cherish all of the wonderful memories we have made over the past four years forever." Fellows presented.

MOESC Superintendent Kevin D. Kimmel said, “These 12 students truly represent the best of the best in the region, and I want to congratulate them on their many accomplishments. I also want to thank the individuals that the students selected as their Positive Impact Person. This is quite an honor to know that you have made a difference in these students lives.” 

Others honored as Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Award nominees included Marissa Black, Crestline; Kaya Capretta, Galion; Jennifer Covel, Lexington; Leah Francis, Pioneer CTC; Clara Hecker, Lucas; Nathan Humrichouser, Crestview; Kyndra Irwin, Mt. Gilead; Isabella Snyder, Mansfield; and Allyson Wigton, Madison.

To honor former State Superintendent Dr. Franklin B. Walter, the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA) established the Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Awards to promote student achievement and recognize academic accomplishment. 

Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center provides specialized academic and support services to 11 school districts and over 18,000 students in Crawford, Morrow and Richland Counties. Client districts receive services from curriculum, gifted and special education consultants, speech pathologists, psychologists, special education teachers, occupational therapists and physical therapists.

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