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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center Receives Second Consecutive Exemplary Rating


Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) was notified on November 15th that they have received a second consecutive Exemplary rating for their work as a community school sponsor for the 2018-19 school year.

MOESC currently sponsors GOAL Digital Academy and the Tomorrow Center, both community schools that serve students from Crawford, Morrow and Richland counties. According to Jim Smith, Sponsor Liaison at MOESC, “Our work as a community school sponsor is to ensure that our community schools adhere to the terms of their contract and provide oversight and technical assistance to help our schools better serve their students.”

Smith said, “Overall, I’m very pleased with the results. I appreciate the support provided by the Mid-Ohio ESC Governing Board of Directors and Mid-Ohio ESC Superintendent, Kevin Kimmel, for both of the community schools we sponsor: GOAL Digital Academy and the Tomorrow Center. I would also like to thank the school leaders of both schools, Tish Jenkins, GOAL Digital Academy Superintendent and Jamie Byrne, School Director of the Tomorrow Center, for their continued cooperation in working with Mid-Ohio ESC to achieve the “Exemplary” rating.”

The report card is comprised of three areas: Academic Performance, Compliance, and Quality Practices. The Academic Performance component looks at measures of student success including achievement, student growth, early literacy, graduation and how well students are prepared for college, careers and life. The Compliance component asks whether the sponsor is compliant with all relevant laws and rules and whether they are monitoring their community schools’ compliance with laws and rules. Finally, Quality Practices compares the sponsor’s processes against best practices such as strategic planning, staff capacity, contract development and oversight of schools.

MOESC Superintendent Kevin D. Kimmel said, “Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center is very proud of earning this ‘Exemplary’ sponsorship rating from the Ohio Department of Education on the 2018-19 report card. This is, once again, the highest rating that a sponsor can earn, and much of the praise goes to the hard work and leadership of Mid-Ohio ESC’s Sponsor Liaison Jim Smith. Getting the rating once is a great accomplishment, but getting the rating Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center two years consecutively shows consistency in the quality in the work done. I know Mr. Smith works tirelessly to ensure that Mid-Ohio ESC adheres to the strict standards as outlined in Sponsor Quality Practices Rubric by the Ohio Department of Education.”

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