Regional Literacy Coaching Contract With Ohio Department of Education
Mansfield, OH (July 25, 2023) – MOESC was one of four of Ohio’s Educational Service Centers to secure an Ohio Department of Education bid to serve in Governor DeWine’s “Building Regional Capacity to Support Ohio’s Literacy Coaching Model" literacy project.
Through this contract, one of ODE’s “agency goals and objectives aims to increase student achievement through improved language and literacy outcome[s] for students.” Mid-Ohio’s partnership with ODE will effectively meet this goal as the bid MOESC submitted included provisions for a full-time Literacy Director, up to 25 remote coaches and program management for the 2-year project.
MOESC’s Carrie Wood, Director of Teaching and Learning, has been named as the Literacy Director for this project while Executive Director Dr. Mark Burke will direct the program quality management components spanning 23 counties. As Literacy Director, Wood will coordinate coaches, training, and project implementation for the Northwest quadrant of Ohio. Wood said, “I am thrilled for Mid-Ohio to continue the legacy in leading the region to champion literacy! To be granted an opportunity to lead in the Governor’s literacy project is an incredible challenge, but at the same time an incredible opportunity for Mid-Ohio to extend its reach over a span of 23 counties and ultimately contribute to the impact to improve language and literacy outcomes. This project is to serve as a successful model to replicate across Ohio’s schools. It’s an honor to coordinate the work in this project as the Director of Literacy on behalf of Mid-Ohio’s collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education.”
Mid-Ohio is currently seeking coaches based remotely in priority counties of: Erie, Huron, and Lorain as well as Ashland, Crawford, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, VanWert, Williams, Wood and Wyandot counties.
Regional Capacity Coach Responsibilities:
- Provide appropriate support at the building and classroom level related to language and literacy instruction that is aligned with Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement and Ohio's Learning Standards for English Language Arts.
- Build collaborative relationships with building-level administrators and staff, school-based literacy coaches, educators and community partners.
- Effectively identify needs of identified schools and educators to develop a coaching service delivery plan that supports local literacy improvement plans to improve reading outcomes and support implementation of professional learning in evidence-based literacy instruction and high-quality instructional materials.
- Provide systems (building-level) and instructional (classroom-level) coaching to support the implementation of a multi-tiered system of support for literacy.
- Support the statewide literacy coaching initiatives and the integration of coaching supports with regional systems of support, including state support teams and educational service centers.
Interested individuals can apply here or contact Carried Wood at for more information.
Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center provides specialized academic and support services, including professional development, to 13 school districts and over 20,000 students in Crawford, Morrow and Richland Counties. Client districts receive services from curriculum, gifted and special education consultants, speech pathologists, psychologists, special education teachers, occupational therapists and physical therapists.