MOESC To Offer Behavior Support Services
Behavior problems at school interfere with lessons and disturb other students. These problems often overwhelm teachers, particularly new teachers, and some consider them the most difficult aspect of a teacher’s work day. Children who exhibit behavior problems invariably require extra attention, which places strain on teachers and slows the pace at which lessons are offered and completed.
Dealing with behavioral issues requires a large base of knowledge, from understanding the classroom climate to understanding mental health issues and how trauma affects students. In order to help teachers and administrators, Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center has developed a new behavioral team to offer support. They will provide professional development opportunities and subsequent coaching support to build professional capacity to most effectively assess, address and improve student outcomes.
There are 3 levels of support. The first level is general professional development training held at Mid-Ohio ESC that any district or individual may participate in, client and non client districts. Level One Professional development opportunities are also available to be scheduled in districts.
After districts, teams or individuals complete Level One professional development opportunities, those districts, teams or individuals, may access a coach to provide continued customized support for their learning, the second level of support.
Level Three is the most intensive support, and the Behavior Support Team will use research-driven, evidence-based practices to consult and provide training of practical applications, for use by school leaders, educators, and staff, to most effectively assess and address student mental and behavioral health needs. At this level, the Behavior Support Team will consist of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, an Instructional Coach, an Administrator, and a Licensed Social Worker.
Jennifer Crum, Director of Student Services at Mid-Ohio ESC, said there was a need, and this is a way to help. “We hope that, through our collaboration with multidisciplinary teams, positive results in improving learner academic and/or behavioral outcomes are realized. The collaboration provides an opportunity to create a safe environment for each team member to move toward their own and their collective team's desired goals in a fulfilling manner through coaching.”
Anyone interested in accessing this new support from Mid-Ohio ESC or with questions about fees and registration can contact Crum or Wendy Harvey at 419-774-5520.