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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Teaching and Learning Department Offers Online Professional Development

Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center’s Teaching and Learning Department is presenting a new opportunity for independent professional development. This book study will utilize the book 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions by Margaret S. Smith and Mary Kay Stein. Participants have the option of two sessions, utilizing Google Classroom. The Fall Session starts October 4th and lasts through December 10th. The Summer Session starts June 6, 2022 and lasts through August 12, 2022. 

The book outlines five practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions for K-12 classroom math teachers, efficiently blending Ohio’s standards for mathematical practice and the content standards. Teachers who learn how to guide students through these five practices have greater success in maintaining a high level of rigor and engagement for all students, and students who are encouraged and taught how to have productive mathematical discussions grow in their ability to reason mathematically as well as gaining confidence to tackle everyday non-routine math problems. During this book study, teachers will gain practical, useful ways to immediately impact student achievement through weekly assignments.

Leanna Ferreira, Gifted and Mathematics Consultant and one of the facilitators of the book study, said she wants every mathematics teacher to have this in their toolbox. “If only I had had this resource in my hands while in the math classroom earlier in my career, I believe that I would have been able to more effectively impact students’ ability to think mathematically and make connections beyond those that I facilitated!” 

Ally Schleichert, Mathematics Consultant and the other facilitator for the book study, said, "This book has been an eye opener of pretty basic concepts that I never considered as a classroom teacher. I'm not sure why the concepts outlined in this book never occurred to me, but every Mathematics teacher needs to read this book. It will help teachers be more proactive in their classrooms, ensuring that students obtain the content in a manner that unfolds mathematical understanding and conversations in a way that is more curated than accidental."

Interested educators can sign up at www.moesc.net/register. Registration is limited to the first 50 participants for each season. The deadline for the Fall 2021 session is September 30th, and the deadline for the Summer 2022 session is June 1, 2022. The cost is $100. Credit from Ashland University is available at an additional cost. Anyone with questions about the book study or registration can contact Leanna Ferreira at ferreira.leanna@moesc.net.

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