MOESC Hosting Bus Driver In-Service
Bus drivers play a critical role in the safe transportation of students to and from home and school. Because of this, specific certifications and requirements must be met by the State of Ohio. Ohio school bus drivers are required to have a minimum of four hours of annual in-service training. In order to fulfill this requirement, all local area bus drivers are invited to Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center to learn about relevant topics for school transportation. The in-service will take place August 5th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Presentations will be given by Mike Redfern, North Region Pre-Service Instructor; Ohio State Patrol Trooper Sharon Papineau from the Office of Field Operation; Vanessa Wagner, yoga instructor; and Sandy Hovest, who will present on bloodborne pathogens.
To register for this in-service, go to There is no cost for bus drivers of Mid-Ohio ESC client districts. Others must pay a $40 fee. Anyone with questions can call Mid-Ohio ESC at (419) 774-5520 or email